Once in a blue moon, you’ll find a politician, usually at the local level, who not only fights to stave off more Big Government, but also proposes and works hard to cut a tax, cut spending, and reduce government meddling. Hats off to these rare patriots!
But most elected officials in America today, who have budget authority, are big government politicians.
This is especially true of politicians at the state and federal level.
Not sure this is true? Try asking one of them to sign the Small Government Pledgeâ„ . They will almost certainly give you excuses and deny, or put off, your request.
Politicians are “big government” if they vote for a budget that is as big or bigger than the previous budget. Or if they vote to expand government authority, taxes, spending, or debt.
An official who takes a stand that existing government budgets are way too big and must always be reduced is a true, small government patriot who puts his political ambitions aside and votes in the best interests of the people.
Many politicians, especially Republicans, talk a good game. They call themselves “libertarian.” They talk about eliminating government waste and “bringing spending under control.” Then they vote “yes” for bigger budgets. Or they vote “yes” to fund an unnecessary foreign entanglement. Or they vote “yes” to expand government powers.
Typical “fiscal conservatives” vote “no” on most spending items, then vote “yes” to a bigger overall budget – and wipe out every good deed they ever did. Their impact, on net, is to make government bigger.
Or they’re passionate about their one government program, their one exception that they work to get enacted. Small government plus one exception equals big government.
A true, small government politician votes small government. Every issue. Every time. No exceptions. No excuses.